My pal the Japan Camera Hunter has written this great post, all about escaping a photography rut and beating the blues. While it is no doubt useful to those with a camera permanently affixed to their hands, I was struck by how much of his advice – read a book, change of scenery, look at your old work – could also apply to writers and, I am guessing, to other creative types too.
I have been feeling like I have been in a rut lately, probably something to do with the summer heat encouraging indolence, so will be giving this advice a try – with some luck and hard work you will be seeing the results here soon! In the meantime, take a look at JCH’s excellent post and see what you think.
I hope it helps with whatever you are working on…
JCH is right about the revisiting old work for encouragement! Been unpacking quite a lot of book boxes, some of which have quite a lot of old notebooks and zines in. “Lordy, what dunce wrote this? Oh yeah.”
Would really like to see some of those – get scanning! Any sign of your latest ‘zine?