One of the advantages of the internet is that on a winter’s day, you can navigate all around the world and visit …
After alighting at the Metro station Gambetta, I walked through a hill garden to gain entrance to the cemetery. Along one of …
It’s an electric lapis lazuli sky, sitting in The Bluecoat gardens. A classical music score floats out of a window, splattering its …
City living has its risks, seven seagulls fly by pooping on my suits in the last year. Concrete paving slabs splashing up …
I don’t often post pictures of funny signs in Japan, as it seems a bit cheeky when I speak about 20 words …
Ever since I arrived in Japan, I have held a – some would say irrational – prejudice against Roppongi. Admittedly based on …
My pal the Japan Camera Hunter has written this great post, all about escaping a photography rut and beating the blues. While …
At times you have to escape the city, to see a wider sweep to the horizon, feel fresh air on your face …
It is that time of year again. The cherry blossoms in Japan are out and so every corner of the city looks …
This is beautiful, just beautiful: Last month I installed new bookshelves in a room in my house. They’re black, and my painter …
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