Last night a writer saved my life, last night a writer saved my life from a broken heart…
No one ever says that, do they. DJs, yes. Lives saved with a song, OK. With a book, not so often. Reading is not as glamorous as getting your gladrags on and hitting the town, but time and again, when my mental health is heading towards the rocks and the dark clouds seem to be an inch above my head, it is words that will pull me through.
And songs, yes. Do not underestimate the power of a good dance around the room to something lively. But sometimes you need to sit in the corner with a blanket over your knees and a mug of tea and read as if your life depended on it.
If you’re like me, it probably does.
Last Night a Writer Saved My Life will be an occasional series from the ten million hardbacks writers on the books that gave us hope, the ones that showed a way out or that let a glimmer of light in when all seemed lost. Books that encourage, guide or inspire. Our initial conversations included titles as diverse as Danny, the Champion of the World, Love on the Dole and Mary Barton, so there are likely to be some eclectic choices. Our hope is that they will do the same for you. Of course, you are welcome to let us know your choices and if we are missing your favourites, just comment below!
First up is Karl Coppack, with a book that I had never heard of before – perhaps you might think the same – but you might be a bit more familiar with the guy who penned it. Don’t miss Karl’s review of Rage by Richard Bachman. His second post takes us back to the summer in the late 70s when painter Kit Williams created a picture book full of clues that had kids out digging for buried treasure. He has written of his love for The Crow Road and the works of P. G. Wodehouse, as well as taking in some spooky goings-on in Enfield so there is sure to be something for every reader.
Now away goes trouble down the drain…
Book tower photo by Lysander Yuen on Unsplash