Home Japan That time of year again: cherry blossoms in Japan

That time of year again: cherry blossoms in Japan

by J. C. Greenway
cherry blossoms in Japan
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It is that time of year again. The cherry blossoms in Japan are out and so every corner of the city looks gorgeous. The large, famous parks may draw the crowds, but single trees tucked away down side streets are equally as appreciated and likely to be immortalised by the smartphone cameras of passing commuters. There is something about the heady mix of sunshine, cherry blossoms – or sakura – and a huge pile of food and drink to be shared with friends under the boughs that acts like a shot of something pure delivered right to the brain after the chills of winter. I don’t think I could ever get cynical about this season and all it brings.

If you are planning a visit to see the cherry blossoms in Japan, the first thing to know is when exactly to come. The forecasts begin around February and various travel guides will publish the updates. In Japan this gets announced on the nightly news, adding to the sense of excitement. Expect a sudden cool snap or warmer breezes to adjust the forecasts by a day or two here and there. When the trees begin to show, people will gather in favourite locations, but any local park will also see an array of blue or green groundsheets placed beneath them, ready for the afternoon and evening picnics to begin. Expect big crowds at the more famous views!

New term, new jobs, new projects: January may be the start of the year, but April is when the cherry trees in Japan blossom and everything begins again. They are so longed for that it is hard to believe that in such a short time it will all be gone. With the sakura, as with all the good things of life, be sure to enjoy it while you can!


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キャロライン (@innocencewalker) 14 April 2012 - 9:20 pm

Sakura season is the best time of the year, hands down.

Joanne Greenway 17 April 2012 - 9:41 am

I will always have a soft spot for autumn, but yes, so true!


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